lunes, 3 de marzo de 2025

You Are The One


You are the one...
The one who takes me to my limits,
Who makes me discover
every day a little more,
You take me
through new paths towards desire.
You make me fall into precipices of madness,
and then you lift me up to heaven,
when I'm lying on your chest.

You are the one
who takes away my shyness,
my prejudices,
who awakens my demons,
the forbidden desire of my heart,
and you make me give myself to you.
Without inhibition,
Without shame...
That even I surprise myself.

You are the one...
Just one caress from you is enough,
to wake up a storm,
a tidal wave in my body,
Just a kiss... and my screams 
make the windows of my apartment shake.

You are the one...
my seducer,
my lover,
my most burning desire between my legs.

You are the one.
and I'm your student,
Your submissive,
Your slave,
I am the clay between your hands,
I am the daisy that you remove the leaves,
I am the coffee
what tests until the last drop.
I am your moon,
also your night.
I am like red wine
that makes your blood burn.
Your wish.

You are the one,
and the sanest man I've ever known.
You know your place in my life,
But you also know
that you have become,
in an eternal caress on my body.

sábado, 1 de marzo de 2025

Cat’s Love


"The cat is an animal that has managed to domesticate man. It is not man who has domesticated the cat, but the other way around. The cat has chosen to live with man, but on his own terms. The cat is an animal that has not given up its freedom, that has not given up its solitude.

And yet, the cat is capable of love. It loves with a passion that is almost human. It loves with an intensity that is almost painful. The cat loves with its entire body, with its entire soul. The cat loves without conditions, without reservations.

And when the cat loves, it is as if the entire universe stopped. It is as if time stopped. It is as if reality stopped. The cat loves with a purity that is almost divine.

And I, who have been loved by a cat, know that I have been truly loved. I know that I have been loved without conditions, without reservations. I know that I have been loved with a passion that is almost human, with an intensity that is almost painful.

And for that reason, I love cats. I love their independence, their freedom, their "loneliness. I love his capacity to love unconditionally, without reservations. I love his purity, his innocence, his divinity."

(This text is an adaptation of a fragment of an essay by Borges on cats, entitled "The Cat" and published in his book "Other Inquisitions.")

martes, 25 de febrero de 2025



Mom is Energy that sustains itself beyond the physical.

Mom is an infinite hug, that accompanies you wherever you go.

Mom is the caress that goes with you and sustains you from within.

Mom is the seed of all the magic in the world that is sown in the most tender childhood but that blooms every day of your life.

Mom is advice and upbringing that give form and structure, that allow you to make the right decisions even when a lot of time has passed.

Mom is the looks that are tattooed on the soul and see you from within.

Mom is the care that allows you to survive and the sweetness that strengthens you to LIVE.

Mom is all the letters that are used to write Gratitude, Respect, Honor and Compassion.

Mom is the link to life and is our entire universe in the early days.

Mom is my absolute connection to abundance if I have her integrated in a loving way I will always live very well.

It doesn't matter how old you are, even if she has already left. Her love forever lives in you enveloping you in eternity.

 _____________ @____________


Mamá es Energía que se sostiene más allá de lo físico. 

Mamá es un abrazo infinito, que te acompaña donde quiera que vayas.

Mamá es la caricia que va contigo y te sostiene desde el interior.

Mamá es la semilla de toda la magia del mundo que se siembra en la más tierna infancia pero que florece cada día de tu vida.

Mamá son consejos y crianza que dan forma y estructura, que permiten tomar decisiones adecuadas aún cuando ha pasado mucho tiempo.

Mamá son miradas que se tatúan en el alma y te ven desde el interior.

Mamá es cuidado que te permite sobrevivir y dulzura que fortalece para VIVIR.

Mamá son todas las letras con que se escribe Gratitud, Respeto, Honra y compasión.

Mamá es el vínculo con la vida  y es nuestro universo entero en los primeros tiempos.

Mamá es mi conexión absoluta con la abundancia si la tengo integrada de manera amorosa Siempre viviré muy bien.

No importa cuántos años tengas, incluso si ya partió. Su amor por siempre vive en ti envolviéndote en la enternidad.