domingo, 30 de mayo de 2021

My babies, my soulmates...

The most beautiful thing about cats is 
they are free and in their freedom 
they make you part of their life.
Calm, patient, stealthy, 
they never despair and calmly choose 
a very high place to observe their surroundings… 
Independent, individual, with all their senses alert… 
Innocent and powerful... 
Beasts if necessary... 
Magic in every moment ... 
They choose you because they align their soul with yours 
and they love you without asking for anything in return... 
Faithful companions of all life... 
They respect your silence, 
companions in your pain, 
friends in your day by day ... 
Protectors of your dreams 
and guides of your time in their time... 
Cats are unique, faithful and unconditional... 
Observe and learn from them... 
Masters of the universe 
turned into small bodies to be by our side...

“GatitaJaz” 🌸

martes, 25 de mayo de 2021

How I fell in love with Pilates.


My name is Jazmin. They call me Jaz, sometimes Jazita or JaziJaz.


I was raised in a distant country called Chile, which is in the southern part of the world. I grew up surrounded by dance, art, education and medicine. I am a dancer, primary school teacher, obstetrician (midwife), fitness instructor and children's dance teacher. Yes! I am all those things, and my life has developed in learning.  My passion is study and learning more about my disciplines.

You may be wondering, “how did I fall in love with Pilates?”

To pay for my obstetrics studies at the university, I started teaching dance. I was already a professional dancer at 15 years old, and came to discover fitness by chance. I loved fitness from the beginning and with my knowledge in dance and medicine, it was much easier to incorporate everything in each format. I developed a personal style in my way of teaching. In order to be a comprehensive and complete instructor who could help my students achieve their goals in this world of fitness, I became fully certified in each available discipline. However, I knew there was something else I wanted to attain.


Through ballet I learned about the Pilates mat. I knew that there was much more to it, but in my country it was difficult to access.

I believe nothing is by chance.  One day I fell in love, and at age 38 I got married. I packed my bags, sold my house, left my business and all my students, and came to the United States to try my luck.  Without a language, or acquaintances, or contacts, I came to America with just with my knowledge.  Having spent 18 years on a fitness trajectory and 25 years in dance and productions, I knew that there were more opportunities here if I tried hard enough. I learned the language as quickly as possible (I am still learning) and started my work teaching classes in different places.

However that still didn’t feel like it was enough. I wanted to know more. I wanted to study to be an instructor in Pilates Apparatus. I looked everywhere, but there was nothing that suited my time and work.  Everything was either too far or very expensive.  Then, one day, at the corner of my house, I saw a sign that read “Club Pilates – Opening Soon”

Living in West Palm Beach, everything at the time seemed too far to travel to so when I saw this sign, my heart jumped! I waited excitedly for 3 months and when I finally saw the “OPEN” sign in the window, I went in to the business and asked about the classes. I was so happy, and immediately paid my registration fee. I think I was even the first person to inquire and register. I believe it was fate that brought Club Pilates to my doorstep. When you really want something, the universe always conspires in your favor.

As I started classes, I admit I was absolutely lost. Despite my extensive knowledge as an instructor, I knew nothing in the area of this discipline. Thanks to the help, patience, and wisdom of my beautiful master trainer Leslie Russell, I fell in love with Pilates. The best person the universe could have delivered as a teacher was Leslie and she has inspired me like no one ever before. 

I Love you Forever my dear Leslie!    

Thank You.

Step by step, despite the my language barrier and being surrounded by people who knew much more than me, 
I remained inspired and wanted to grow and be much better. 
To be able to have learn the tools that I could share with my students was essential. Helping them to feel, explore, learn, grow, advance, progress and be better every day in each class. I can't stay calm if I don't see a progression, no matter how small. I am so satisfied when I see them achieve the exercise flawlessly.
I have a memory of each student in their first class and I don't forget their progress. I remember their beginnings and how they have grown.  I enjoy watching them progress together in this beautiful journey called Pilates.
Every thank you I receive, every assistance I provide, every smile I return, every drop of sweat, and even every frustration is a reward. Together, we never give up and seeing them come back for more fills up my heart and soul.
Even though I arrived here with a funny accent looking for a way to learn more, my students were very kind and helpful to me along the way. After 8 years I’m proud to say many of them still come to my classes.
Since arriving in the United States, I have earned 13 more certifications, plus all the Pilates Apparatus certifications with 8 specialties.

The ultimate question is - why did I fall in love with Pilates? Because, finally I can offer everything I have acquired and learned throughout my life as a contribution to generate a positive change in people.

Thanks to this wonderful machine, it is possible to effect progress in the physical and mental health of others.

Since I began to understand how my body was adapting to each exercise, I now understand how my mind is connecting with each movement. I’ve learned how my breath flows with each combination and I progressively feel the flow of my body, mind and spirit.  For me that is priceless.  There is no class in fitness that I teach (and I teach almost all of them) that makes me feel that happiness and connection with my soul. Other than perhaps bellydancing, which is my other half.

The alignment of my body and my inner being as my muscles stretch, contract, accommodate and perfect each time has given me sharper focus, concentration, and overall connection.

My imagination is more fluid now, and I can create more effective and powerful combinations for each level of student.  I understand that from a beginner to an advanced student, a simple exercise brings powerful results.  I personally practice and experience each combination so that my students can do them properly and transform their lives and bodies with Pilates.

Club Pilates gave me all the tools to  a better instructor. It gave me freedom, it gave me comfort, it made me feel at home and in communion with my colleagues and my students.  

Through Club Pilates I have experienced this world more fully, and I know my students see and feel the change. I have to say that not a single person has regretted trying a class with me. They fall in love just like I did. By seeing their muscles work it invites me to connect with others, and when they feel it for the first time, I can see the happiness on their faces.  I can see them finally understand the dynamics of their body, just like I did in the beginning by connecting body, mind and spirit. 

Today I have my private clients who love Pilates as much as I do and thank me every time for having insisted on participating in a class. It has changed their lives. It has taught them what it is to exercise conscientiously. And it makes me infinitely happy to be able to help them on their journey through this magical world of Pilates. 

And to you, my friend, if you have not yet taken that first step, I invite you to come to one of my classes. I promise you that I will do everything in my power, to make you live an unforgettable experience and for the first time you will feel your body and mind united in a single movement. Come and live this journey that will lead you a long and wonderful life...


Nothing is a coincidence. If you are reading this, please don’t hesitate. I assure you that Pilates will change your life in an absolutely positive way!

  Jaz_ Jazmin_Jaz

PS: special thanks to that unexpected angel ... 

without your help this wouldn't be perfect ...



martes, 11 de mayo de 2021

Acuerdo de almas

Dicen que antes de nacer, cuando cada ser decidió venir a la Tierra a vivir la experiencia terrenal hubo un acuerdo de almas.

Primero cada alma seleccionó minuciosamente las experiencias que deseaba vivir en esta encarnación.

Algunos eligieron aprender a través del desapego, otros de la soledad.

Los más decidieron aprender de la relación de pareja.

Algunos se atrevieron a experimentar la riqueza material y así, como si eligieran las materias para matricularse en la Universidad, todos decidieron sus misiones.

Y hubo una gran reunión de entre ellas para pactar como se interrelacionarían estas almas… Como cuando se reparten los roles en una obra teatral, cada cual recibió su papel en la obra de su vida y Nacieron…

Algunas de estas almas se encontraron desde su nacimiento y son hermanos.
Otros les tocaron ser compañeros del colegio para llegar a ser amigos en la adultez.

Otros no se encontraron hasta cuando mayores, pactaron conocerse en una fiesta y enamorarse…
Y hubo quienes tendrían roles mínimos en la vida del otro.
Serían el médico que lo revisó cuando estuvo internado por apendicitis…
Otros sería quien le rompería la nariz en la disco porque le robaría la novia… o el taxista que lo llevaría al aeropuerto aquel día en que le avisaron que su madre se moría…

Nada, absolutamente nada es casual en la vida de ninguno. Hay libre albedrío.
Nos hemos repartido los papeles, pero no hay guion.

Cada uno crea sus propios diálogos y acciones y asume la responsabilidad.
Así que ponte a pensar ¿Por qué tienes a ese jefe tan exigente y perfeccionista? ¿Será que acordaron que él sacaría lo mejor de ti y te puliría cual diamante? ¿O será que tienes que aprender la tolerancia? ¿Y si lo que debes hacer es renunciar?

Difícil saber lo que viniste a vivenciar con cada persona, pero el alma lo sabe y el alma solo sabe comunicarnos mensajes que llamamos *intuición*
¿Y por qué no logras tener una pareja fiel?
Comprendes ahora que esa persona que está allí como un Pepito Grillo es porque quizás tú se lo pediste, le rogaste que fuera la voz de tu conciencia y tú misma le suplicaste: No importa que te odie, pero no me dejes realizar algunas acciones que me dejarán pegada a esta encarnación…

Y entiendes porque te bastó con ver a esa persona para que sintieras retorcijones en la panza, tu alma te estaba avisando todo el dolor que te causaría…

No recordamos. No sabemos que nos une a todo el elenco que nos ayuda a representar la obra de nuestras vidas, pero hay en acuerdo tácito entre todos de permanecer juntos para ayudarse mutuamente a crecer y evolucionar…

Entre todos formamos un verdadero equipo sanador porque nos ocupamos tanto de nuestro propio desarrollo como del de los demás.

Pero también podemos cerrar abruptamente la relación con algunos por problemas meramente terrenales.
Ya lo dije: Tenemos libre albedrío.

Todo este camino iniciado en nuestra primera encarnación hace millones de siglos atrás tiene como objetivo la iluminación.

Cada encarnación agregamos gotas de luz a nuestra conciencia y así evolucionamos. Avanzamos despacio en términos terrenales, pero vamos a la velocidad de la luz en términos estelares.

Así que no podemos mirar ninguna relación y juzgarla de triunfo o fracaso.
Estamos aprendiendo, y el solo hecho de poder interactuar con otros, de conocerle, descubrir sus diferencias, llegar hasta lo profundo de su alma vuelve cualquier relación un éxito…

Así que no te enrosques con ese jefe maltratador, con esa pareja infiel, con esa amiga envidiosa, con ese profesor abusivo, con la vecina quejosa, el almacenero gruñón, ese pretendiente meloso, esa hija rebelde.

Solo mírales directamente al alma y diles:

«Gracias por respetar el trato»


Los Trenes


Y me sentí descubierta en mi contemplación... 

Me gusta mirar a los trenes pasar... con su carga enorme que va a lugares recónditos, sin detenerse, sin mirar atrae, imponente, sosegado, con su ritmo permanente... 
Ahi ves como cada carro lleva algo oculto, escondido de las miradas de aquellos que no pueden cruzar hacia el otro lado, esperando su turno para continuar con su viaje a otro lugar incierto... Que llevas en esa enorme carga, tan pesada que en ti parece nada?
trac trac... trac trac... trac trac... 
Recuerdo mi infancia con mi abuela Maria... viajábamos en tren cada mes a visitar a la familia lejos, en tren... mirando por la ventana los arboles correr, los ríos cruzar y las casas pequeñas con su gente diminuta saludar con una pañoleta, a nuestro pasar... 
Abuela donde estas ahora? Te fuiste al infinito hace mucho... a un lugar incierto, como el camino de aquel tren que cruza sin detenimiento... obligando a cada uno de nosotros a detenernos, sin ningún reproche,  y disfrutar del tiempo presente, del hoy, aquí y ahora... tan solo vivir este momento... sin apuros, con calma, con una sonrisa, quizá recordando la infancia...
Me gusta ver pasar a los trenes... si apuro, en su constante trac trac y con su carga oculta avanzando hacia un destino incierto...

Vamos a algún lugar para ver correr a los arboles, cruzar ríos y sentirme niña otra vez.....