domingo, 30 de enero de 2022

The Alpha Woman.

An alpha Woman is a very strong woman. She has a select group of friends, is confident in herself, knows what she wants and goes after it without hesitation. She is fierce and absolutely delicate. 
Don't try to change her. She was not made to sink and bend. They made her grow, get up, fly and dance with the sea. They made her shine so brightly that she blinds. So don't even try to dim the light on her, you have the opportunity to enjoy your life with her.
A unique opportunity... 
You know she doesn't need you. But She loves You. She chose you, after much searching among many...
That's why loves her back, her love is perfect and unconditional.
She will never say that she needs you, so shows up when she is quiet at night and you know something is bothering her. She is not made of steel despite what she thinks she is. She will break sometimes. She is going to cry. She is going to crash. She is a very delicate human being.
Don't you dare to give up. Don't turn your back on her. Yes, she doesn't need you but she wants you to be there. She will want you to show her that you care a lot. She will want you to show her that you really live up to your promises.
Don't act like she is your possession or prize. Treat her like a princess, even if she doesn't believe it.
You have to know that she is a deserving one. She is strong, powerful. She is not with you for fun. She is with you for true love. She is with you because she sees something good in you. She is with you because she sees a future by your side. Because you are someone special. And she deserves someone special.
She will not allow games or foolishness. She knows what she's worth. She knows your heart and soul and she knows that she deserves someone who can give her the world.
Be honest with her. Tell her how you feel. Don't hit around the bush. Don't hide from your feelings and what your heart is telling you. Be a good man. Be a decent man and be a better man for her and for your future.
If you feel like your feelings are fading, don't stay. If you feel your heart slowly drift away from her, just go. Don't wait. Don't lie to her. Don't hold her. She is strong enough to handle it. She is strong enough to handle your memories.
What if you break her heart? She will never look at you with the same light. She will never smile at you the same way again. But she will move on. She will persevere. She will survive, she will grow and she will flourish.
Trust me, she will do more than just survive. She will do much more. She doesn't need you, she chose you because you are worth the risk of opening her heart and soul.
Are you ready to be the partner of an Alpha Woman??? 
Because She is ready to give you the entire universe. 

domingo, 16 de enero de 2022

viaje astral

Y mi alma salió sin rumbo fijo, 
buscando la calma en este mundo onírico
sin saber, buscándote en la inmensidad del universo, 
tan intensamente, que apareciste sin previo aviso, 
colmando lo mas profundo de mis sentimientos, 
llegaste con esa sonrisa tan tuya, 
haciendo de este momento, uno perenne, 
incalculablemente perfecto 
hasta aquel instante de volver a mi cuerpo... 
aun puedo sentir tu cálido abrazo, tus suaves besos...
fue una noche mágica, 
llena de conversaciones y miles de colores... 
ver el océano en tus ojos, y sentir el sol en tu piel... 
subimos cerros y caminamos ciudades, 
hablamos de tantas cosas, viajamos a lugares impensados, 
visitamos a tanta gente, 
vimos a los tuyos, hasta hablamos con tus padres... 
fue un momento perfecto, 
llegaste hasta mi y me diste una de las mejores noches 
como hace tiempo no tenía... 
viniste sin aviso hasta mis sueños 
y fui absolutamente feliz... 
Un viaje astral que recuerdo segundo a segundo... 
y ha quedado plasmado en esta hermosa inmensidad 
de mi recuerdo y mi ser...

jueves, 13 de enero de 2022

mi melancolia.

Tu eres esa melancolía, 
esa que me hace soñar 
cuando comienza el día, 
en ese amanecer silente 
que toca mi alma, 
con su brillo incandescente, 
y en cada noche, 
cuando cierro los ojos, 
cuando mi alma se detiene,
como aquel instante, 
recordado tu aroma... 

Tu eres esa melancolía 
que despierta aquella sensación de querer tocarte
y no poder, si quiera, verte... 

Tu eres esa melancolia 
que inunda mi alma y llueve en mis ojos, 
cuando toda esa magia desborda, 
sin poder serenarla.

Tu eres esa melancolía 
que desnuda mi ser 
cada vez que recuerdo tus besos 
aquel abrazo eterno, 
el latir de tu corazón 
y el calor de tu piel... 
el sabor de tu dulzura, 
la magia de tu mirada, 
el sonido de tu voz... 

Tu Eres Mi Melancolía...


te extraño.

domingo, 9 de enero de 2022

Adios 46. Sean Bienvenidos 47. Happy Birthday to Me

Cada día que pasa es uno menos en nuestro reloj de arena... cada día que pasa es un día que hemos recorrido y bordado en nuestra alma.
Nuestras vidas se colorean cada con hermosas experiencias y también con esas que no lo son tanto... pero es la que nos hace ser quienes somos... 
Cada momento compartido, cada sonrisa, cada silencio, cada llegada, cada partida, cada lagrima... cada explosion del corazón!
Aquellos besos eternos o aquellos que tan solo fueron un instante mágico que quedarán para siempre dibujados en el alma y escritos en el corazón...  
Dar sin pedir nada y ser feliz cuando te rodean y regalan tanto amor inesperado... 
Mi ciclo 46 acaba hoy y mañana comienza una nueva oportunidad... 365 días para crear mas vida, mas amor, mas felicidad, mas salud, mas experiencias, para seguir pintando en mi ser, con todo el amor del mundo... y coloreando, quizás el mundo de algún otro...
En este multiverso mágico que he ido forjando durante toda esta vida, en cada año recorrido, en cada camino andado, en cada vuelo del alma...
He tenido experiencias sublimes y otras muy intensas, con las que he aprendido a ser quien soy... 
Y estoy feliz!!! Soy feliz!!! SOY MUY FELIZ!!!
La vida me regala cada día un nuevo amanecer y eso no tiene precio... Feliz cumpleaños para mi con todo el amor del Universo... 
He aprendido a mirarme con dulzura, en el espejo, a querer cada arruga, cada cana, cada marca, cada cicatriz, sobre todo aquellas del alma... he aprendido a amarme y eso es maravilloso... 
Son 46 años increíblemente bellos e intensos... 
Y que este renacer me brinde mas maravillas, nuevas aventuras, nuevas emociones, nuevas experiencias, mas sabiduría, mas oportunidades de ser mejor persona, y que sea mucho mejor!!! 
Gracias mundo, tierra, planeta, pacha mama, universo infinito...
Gracias a todos quienes están cerca y aquellos que estan lejos y quienes siempre están a mi lado... Salud!!!!
                                                                            Los Amo!!!

Each day that passes is one less in our hourglass ... each day that passes is a day that we have traveled and embroidered in our soul.
Our lives are colored each with beautiful experiences and also with those that are not so beautiful ... but it is what makes us who we are ...
Every shared moment, every smile, every silence, every arrival, every departure, every tear ... every explosion of the heart!
Those eternal kisses or those that were only a magical moment that will be forever drawn on the soul and written on the heart. Give without asking for anything and be happy when they surround you and give away so much unexpected love ...
My 46th cycle ends today and tomorrow a new opportunity begins. 365 days to create more life, more love, more happiness, more health, more experiences, to continue painting in my being, with all the love in the world ... and coloring, perhaps someone else's world ...
In this magical multiverse that I have been forging throughout this life, in each year traveled, in each path traveled, in each flight of the soul ...
I have had sublime experiences and other very intense ones, with which I have learned to be who I am ...
And I'm happy!!! I'm happy!!! I AM ABSOLUTELY HAPPY!!!
Life gives me a new dawn every day and that is priceless ... Happy birthday to me with all the love in the Universe ...
I have learned to look at myself gently, in the mirror, to love every wrinkle, every gray hair, every mark, every scar, especially those of the soul ... I have learned to love myself and that is wonderful ...
They are 46 incredibly beautiful and intense years ...
And may this rebirth give me more wonders, new adventures, new emotions, new experiences, more wisdom, more opportunities to be a better person, and may it be much better !!!
Thank you world, earth, planet, pacha mama, infinite universe ...
Thanks to all those who are close and those who are far and who are always by my side ... Cheers!

                                                                        Love you all!!!

"Colorful bits of each life that passes through mine 
and that I'm sewing in the soul.
They are not always pretty, 
nor are they always happy, 
but they add to me and make me who I am.
In each meeting, in each contact, 
I'm getting older...
In each scrap a life, a lesson, a love, a nostalgia...
That make me more of a person, 
more human, more complete.
And I think that this is how life is made: 
of pieces of other people 
who are becoming part of the people as well.
And the best part is that we will never be ready, finished...
There will always be a patch to add to the soul.
Therefore, thanks to each of you, 
who are part of my life and who allow me 
to enhance my story with the scraps left in me. 
That I too can leave bits of me along the way 
and that they can be part of their stories.
And so that, from patch to patch, 
we can become, one day, 
an immense embroidery of us".